Vinny has worked for BDL since 1990, he started in the role of a supervisor and has had several roles with in the company including Contract Manager, Regional Manager, Regional Director, and was most recently promoted to Residential Construction Director.

"BDL has got a very loyal and reliable team, as well as a robust supply chain. As a company, we're focused on meeting the needs of our customers and giving them the confidence that our team can deliver projects on time, safely and to the right quality.

We pride ourselves on providing clients with a professional, reliable experience. Our longstanding range of projects gives our team the capability to assist with design and pre-planning, but also means that we don't spring surprises on our clients once work begins."

Vinny Walker

Head Office

King's Cross - Hand Axe Yard
1 Hand Axe Yard
277a Gray's Inn Road
King's Cross

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