Tony Bishop is the Health & Safety Manager at BDL, joining the company in 2004, and brings over 30 years’ experience to the role as a chartered, qualified and experienced Health and Safety professional, who strongly supports promotion of pro-active systems of health and safety.

In his role Tony assists and advises all levels of management in the practical application of statutory and company requirements, arranges for the development of procedures to implement company policies, ensuring that statutory requirements are met to reduce the risks from work activities to the minimum level that is reasonably practicable.

"I enjoy working at Careys for BDL as there is a great culture of working together for the benefit of all. Not only to meet our legal duties, but to exceed them and the genuine belief in that no one should be harmed from any of our work activities, whether at work or not."

Tony Bishop

Head Office

King's Cross - Hand Axe Yard
1 Hand Axe Yard
277a Gray's Inn Road
King's Cross

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