Today is #WorldMentalHealthDay2022. World Mental Health Day is a chance to talk about mental health in general, how we need to look after it, and how important it is to talk about things and get help if you are struggling.

Each year, World Mental Health Day focuses on a particular theme. This year, as set by the World Federation for Mental Health, is ‘Make mental health and wellbeing for all a global priority.’

Mental health problems – ranging from depression to loneliness – exist in our lives, families, workplaces and communities, impacting everyone.

For this year’s theme, we are being encouraged to think about how we can do as much as possible to prevent mental ill-health – as individuals and as a society, from calling on national and local governments to prioritise reducing known risk factors to creating the conditions needed for people to thrive.

In January this year, The Carey Group, in association with Careys Foundation, entered a partnership with the Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity (the Lighthouse Club).

The Lighthouse Club has been delivering charitable support to the construction community since 1956, and is the only charity that provides emotional, physical, and financial wellbeing support to construction workers and their families.

Every working day, two construction workers take their own life. We have to educate everyone in our industry to recognise the signs and symptoms of our colleagues that are suffering from stress, anxiety or depression and start the conversation to assist in their recovery.

Those working in the industry, as well as their families, can contact the Construction Industry Helpline and will be able to call the 24/7 Helpline on UK 0345 605 1956 or ROI 1800 939 122 to access:

  • Emergency financial aid in times of crisis following an illness, accident, injury or bereavement.
  • Advice on wellbeing issues as an employee or an employer
  • Support and advice for sufferers of stress and addiction-related illnesses
  • Advice on matters ranging from divorce to employment
  • Advice on specific tax-related issues concerning employment within the construction sector
  • Help to manage and reschedule debt
  • Help to understand the benefits system and your entitlement, especially if you are caring for others
  • Support on career changes, especially after accident or injury preventing you from returning to your original job

The Carey Group are proud to continue to support the Lighthouse Club and the crucial support and services they provide.

Head Office

King's Cross - Hand Axe Yard
1 Hand Axe Yard
277a Gray's Inn Road
King's Cross

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