On Monday evening a dedicated team of six rowers from BDL took on the AHOY Thames Barrier Challenge, navigating the waters of the River Thames in an 8 mile rowing challenge from Woolwich to Greenwich, in support of the AHOY Centre Charity.

AHOY provides opportunities for disadvantaged and at-risk youths through a range of activities and programmes, all of which are focused on teaching transferable and employable life skills whilst offering opportunities for disabled people to participate on an equal level. Bringing together people from many walks of life, AHOY acts as a community to help others, build life skills, self-confidence and team building.

Competing against nine other teams the BDL team, aptly named ‘Water Damage’, put the months of hard work and dedicated training to good use as they safely navigated the 8 mile course, taking in some of London’s iconic landmarks that included Battersea Power Station, London Eye and the Houses of Parliament, to finish the race in first place with an impressive time of 1:17:09, over two minutes ahead of the second placed team.

Congratulations to the team and all those involved in the event, from the organisers to the sponsors to the teams taking part. To come first is a fantastic achievement and is a testament to the hard work the team have put in over the last few months during training and also the team spirit showed out there today. It’s also extremely rewarding to be doing this to support AHOY, a fantastic charity who provide opportunities for disadvantaged and at-risk youths.

Ray Ward, Construction Director BDL

Head Office

King's Cross - Hand Axe Yard
1 Hand Axe Yard
277a Gray's Inn Road
King's Cross

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